موقع الشيخ الأكبر محي الدين ابن العربي
موقع الشيخ الأكبر محي الدين ابن العربي

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المنتديات الأكبرية:

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القسم: Single Monad Model

الموضوع: What are the consequences of the Duality of Time Postulate?

نشر من قبل القسم التاريخ الردود المشاهدات
Mohamed Haj Yousef Single Monad Model 2024-01-15 10:00:39 0 126

Conversation with Bing :

The Duality of Time Postulate has many profound and far-reaching consequences on physics, cosmology, philosophy, and spirituality. Some of the main consequences are: 

  • It explains how the physical reality is dynamically emerging from a single metaphysical point, called the Single Monad, that is recurrently creating and re-creating the dimensions of space and the particles of matter in the inner level of time1 2

  • It unifies the principles of relativity and quantum mechanics, by showing that the apparent contradictions and paradoxes between them are resolved in the complex-time geometry that results from the duality of time1 2 3

  • It solves some of the major problems in physics and cosmology, such as the arrow of time, the origin of the universe, the nature of gravity, the mass-gap, the interpretation of quantum mechanics, the homogeneity of space, the super-symmetry, and the matter-antimatter asymmetry1 2 3

  • It reveals the hidden granular structure of space and matter, and the discrete nature of time, by showing that the physical particles are composed of smaller units of space that are created by the Single Monad in the inner level of time1 2

  • It introduces a new form of logic and geometry that is based on the concept of the Single Monad, and that can accommodate the complex and non-linear phenomena that occur in the inner level of time1 2 3

  • It bridges the gap between the physical and the psychical domains, by showing that the Single Monad is the source of both the objective and the subjective realities, and that the inner level of time is the realm of the mind, the soul, and the spirit1 2 3

  • It provides a new perspective on the mystical philosophy of Ibn al-Arabi, a 13th-century Sufi master, and shows how his metaphysical insights are compatible and complementary with the modern scientific discoveries1 2 3


1. Solving the Problem of Causality Based on the Duality of Time Theory 

2. DOT - smonad.com 

3. The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General ... 

4. http://www.smonad.com 

5. http://www.singlemonad.com 

6. http://www.ibnalarabi.com 

نشر من قبل القسم التاريخ الردود المشاهدات
Mohamed Haj Yousef Single Monad Model 2024-01-15 10:00:39 0 126


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إحصائيات المنتدى

العدد الكلي للأقسام: 13
العدد الكلي للموضوعات: 57
العدد الكلي للمشتركين: 141

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