The correct way to write the name of Sheikh Muhyi al-Din Ibn al-Arabi

The elder Sheikh Muhyi al-Din's name is Muhammad ibn Ali, but he is known as Ibn al-Arabi, or Ibn Arabic (without the definition), and the first is the most correct, and he has many titles, including: Al-Hatemi, Al-Ta'i, the Imam of investigators, the Imam of the righteous, the Chief of Revealers, and Al-Bahr Al-Zakhir, Red sulfur, the sea of truths, the authority of the knowers, the educators of the sheikhs and the disciples, and so on This is one of the titles of honor and veneration that he deserves. Starting from the tenth century AH, after Sultan Selim I conquered Damascus in the year 922 AH and ordered the construction of the Sheikh Muhyiddin Mosque. By building his tomb next to him, Ibn al-Arabi became known as Sheikh al-Akbar.
Sheikh Muhyi al-Din Ibn al-Arabi is other than the eminent scholar and judge Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Abdullah Ibn al-Arabi al-Maafri al-Ishbili al-Maliki, born in Seville in the year 468 AH, famous in Jurisprudence, principles, and hadith. He has many books, including “The Law of Interpretation.” And “rulings The Qur’an " And “Lights of Dawn” And “Al-Nasikh, Mansukh, and Al-Qabas fi Sharh Muwatta’ of Imam Malik” “The capitals are among the capitals,” and sometimes some scholars make mistakes between these two worlds. The two Galileans transmit sayings or books of one of them in the name of the other. For this reason, the people of the East began They differentiate between them, such that they call the greatest sheikh Ibn Arabi (without the definition) and the judge Abu Bakr. Ibn al-Arabi (with definition). But this term was not generalized, especially since the greatest sheikh was, Since his birth, as well as some of his uncles and grandfathers, he has been called Ibn al-Arabi, as he mentioned many times He wrote it, as well as what his first students mentioned. In general, we find it called this in many references The name with and without definition, and it is more correct with the definition as if he attributed himself, and as he signed His name is in his books, but the distinction between these two venerable scholars is that the first is The judge Abu Bakr Ibn Al-Arabi and the second judge Muhyiddin Ibn Al-Arabi, and if this is not mentioned in some Books, it is easy to distinguish between them from the context of speech due to specialization, because the first is a jurist and the second Sophie.
It appears that Ahmed bin Abdullah Al-Hatemi, who is the grandfather of Sheikh Muhyiddin, is the one He was called “Al-Arabi,” and his son Muhammad was called “Ibn Al-Arabi,” because Sheikh Mohi Al-Din mentioned in the Meccan conquests the name of his uncle, who was his brother, his father’s brother Ali, so he wrote it as follows: "Abdullah bin Muhammad bin al-Arabi" (Part 1: p. 185), since he wrote "Ibn al-Arabi" Without the alif, it is The same Ahmed, the father of Muhammad, whose sons include Abdullah, the uncle of Sheikh Muhyi al-Din, and Ali, his father. When Sheikh Muhyiddin signs his name in his books as follows: “Muhammad bin Ali bin Muhammad Ibn Al-Arabi Al-Ta'i Al-Hatami", he writes "Ibn Al-Arabi" In a thousand because he was famous by this title Like his grandfather Muhammad Ibn al-Arabi, he is not the direct son of Ahmed, who is known as al-Arabi.

The correct way to write the name of Sheikh Muhyi al-Din Ibn al-Arabi
We mentioned these details because most contemporary writers write the name of Sheikh Muhyiddin Incorrectly, most of them write it: Ibn Arabi, or: Ibn Arabi, or: Ibn al-Arabi, and all of this. Incorrect, the correct one is: Muhyi al-Din Ibn al-Arabi.

This is how Sheikh Muhyiddin signs his name in his books