The Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi
The Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi

المكتبة الأكبرية

*** يرجى الملاحظة أن بعض هذه الكتب غير محققة والنصوص غير مدققة ***

*** حقوق الملكية للكتب المنشورة على هذا الموقع خاضعة للملكية العامة ***

Arabic Original Text

كتاب مشكاة الأنوار فيما روي عن الله تعالى من الأخبار

للشيخ الأكبر محي الدين ابن العربي

وهو كتاب يضم 101 من الأحاديث المروية والمرفوعة والمسندة

Hadith 100: THE FINAL DAY



The beloved Messenger, may Allah bestow peace upon him, once witnessed:

By the One who holds my very soul in His Hand, you will have no more difficulty seeing your Lord on the Final Day than seeing the radiant sun or the full moon in a clear sky.

Allah Most High will seek out His servant on that Day and inquire: O My servant, was I not generous toward you? Have I not given you a loving companion in life? Have I not provided horses and camels for you? Have I not made you a leader and appointed for you one-fourth of the abundance of conquest?

"Lord, You have done all this."

Were you consciously preparing yourself for meeting Me?

"No, O Lord, I was not."

I will now veil you from My Presence for as long as you have turned away from Me.

Then Allah Most High will seek out another servant, find this soul also unprepared, and proclaim: I will now veil you from My Presence for as long as you have turned away from Me.  

Then the Most High will seek out and question a third servant in the same way. The soul will reply: "O Lord, I believed in You and Your Books and Your Messengers. I prayed, I fasted, and I gave in charity." This servant will praise Allah with traditional prayers.

Inquiring, Are these your true feelings? the Lord will announce to that servant: We will send Our witnesses to testify concerning you. The soul will consider inwardly, "Who could testify against me?" His lips will then be sealed, and to his limbs, flesh, and bones. Allah will declare: Speak! These witnesses will reveal all the unkind, selfish actions of this person and will refute the empty claims of the soul. Such is the destiny of the hypocrites, who bring down Divine Chastening upon themselves.

*This hadith, collected of the sage Muslim, comes from the transmission of the intimate companion Abu Hurayra, may Allah be pleased with him.



البحث في نص الكتاب

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