The Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi
The Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi

المكتبة الأكبرية

*** يرجى الملاحظة أن بعض هذه الكتب غير محققة والنصوص غير مدققة ***

*** حقوق الملكية للكتب المنشورة على هذا الموقع خاضعة للملكية العامة ***

Arabic Original Text

كتاب مشكاة الأنوار فيما روي عن الله تعالى من الأخبار

للشيخ الأكبر محي الدين ابن العربي

وهو كتاب يضم 101 من الأحاديث المروية والمرفوعة والمسندة




Muhammad the Messenger, may Divine Peace be upon him, once recounted:

When Allah created the earth, it began to tremble, so He created the great mountains to anchor it. Thereby the earth was balanced.

Amazed by the power of these mountains, the angels inquired: "O Lord, is there anything in Your Creation more powerful than these primordial mountains?"

Yes. Iron is more powerful.

"Is there anything in Your Creation, O Lord, more powerful than iron?"

Yes. Fire is more powerful.

"Is there anything in Your Creation, O Lord, more powerful than fire?"

Yes. Water is more powerful.

"Is there anything in Your Creation, O Lord, more powerful than water?"

Yes. Wind is more powerful."

"Is there anything in Your Creation, O Lord, more powerful than wind?"

Yes.The children of Adam who give wholeheartedly from the right hand, unknown to the left hand.



البحث في نص الكتاب

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