The Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi
The Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi

المكتبة الأكبرية

*** يرجى الملاحظة أن بعض هذه الكتب غير محققة والنصوص غير مدققة ***

*** حقوق الملكية للكتب المنشورة على هذا الموقع خاضعة للملكية العامة ***

Arabic Original Text

كتاب مشكاة الأنوار فيما روي عن الله تعالى من الأخبار

للشيخ الأكبر محي الدين ابن العربي

وهو كتاب يضم 101 من الأحاديث المروية والمرفوعة والمسندة




Muhammad the Messenger, may Allah surround him with peace, once revealed:

Whoever testifies, la ilaha ilallah, Allah is greater than any conception, is approved by the Lord of Power, who responds to the soul: In truth, there is nothing apart from Me, and I certainly transcend all conceptions.

If the human witness testifies, "There are no powers apart from Allah, the One and Only." Divine Reality responds: In truth, there are no powers apart from Me, the One and Only.

If the soul proclaims, "There are no separate sources of being apart from Allah, the One and Only, who has no partner in the act of creation," the Lord responds: In truth, there are no separate sources of being apart from Me, the One and Only, for I have no partners in creation."

If the witness affirms, "There are no separate sources of being apart from Allah, and to Him alone belongs the Kingdom, and to Him alone flows all praise, " Allah Most High responds: In truth, there are no separate sources of being apart from Me, and Mine is the Kingdom, and all praises flow only to Me.

If the worshiper prays, "There are no separate sources of being apart from Allah, and there is no power or strength except in Allah, "the All-Merciful One responds: In truth, there are no separate sources of being apart from Me, and there is no power or strength except in Me.  

The Messenger of Allah, may peace be upon him, then continued:

Those who make any of these affirmations at the moment of death will never be touched by the Fire.

*This hadith comes from the transmission of the noble companions Abu Sa'id al-Khudri and Abu Hurayra, may Allah be pleased with him.



البحث في نص الكتاب

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