The Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi
The Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi

المكتبة الأكبرية

*** يرجى الملاحظة أن بعض هذه الكتب غير محققة والنصوص غير مدققة ***

*** حقوق الملكية للكتب المنشورة على هذا الموقع خاضعة للملكية العامة ***

Arabic Original Text

كتاب مشكاة الأنوار فيما روي عن الله تعالى من الأخبار

للشيخ الأكبر محي الدين ابن العربي

وهو كتاب يضم 101 من الأحاديث المروية والمرفوعة والمسندة




Muhammad the Messenger, may Divine Peace be upon him, once revealed:

Upon creating Paradise and Hell, Allah sends Archangel Gabriel to Paradise, saying: Go look upon it and upon all the abundant gifts I have prepared for its inhabitants.

The Archangel travels there, looks upon Paradise and upon the wonders that Allah prepared. On returning, Gabriel exclaims: "By Your Loving Power, no one will ever hear of Paradise without instantly and ardently seeking it." Allah Most High then ordains that Paradise be veiled by difficult tasks and sends Gabriel once more. Upon returning from beholding what Allah prepared, the Archangel exclaims: "By Your Loving Power, now I fear that no one will be capable of entering Paradise."

Allah proclaims to His Archagel: Go forth to visit the Fire and look upon it and upon all I have prepared for its inhabitants.

The noble Gabriel observes great tumult and confusion. He returns to his Lord and exclaims: "By Your Loving Power, whoever even hears of the Fire will not wish to enter it." Allah then ordains that Hell be surrounded by attractive desires and passions and sends Gabriel once more. The Archangel returns, exclaiming: "By Your Loving Power, I now fear that no one will be able to resist the Fire."

* This hadith comes from the transmission of the intimate companion Abu Hurayra, may Allah be pleased with him.



البحث في نص الكتاب

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