The Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi
The Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi

المكتبة الأكبرية

*** يرجى الملاحظة أن بعض هذه الكتب غير محققة والنصوص غير مدققة ***

*** حقوق الملكية للكتب المنشورة على هذا الموقع خاضعة للملكية العامة ***

Arabic Original Text

كتاب مشكاة الأنوار فيما روي عن الله تعالى من الأخبار

للشيخ الأكبر محي الدين ابن العربي

وهو كتاب يضم 101 من الأحاديث المروية والمرفوعة والمسندة




Muhammad the Messenger, may Allah bestow peace upon him, once reported these words directly from the Most High:

Whoever acts with hostility toward one of My intimate servants, upon this aggressor I declare war.Human beings cannot approach Me by any way dearer to Me than performing what I have commanded. And My intimate servants never cease to come nearer and nearer to Me through performing acts of loving worship beyond what I have commanded until I embrace them entirely in My Love.When I embrace them, I am the hearing by which they hear, the seeing by which they see, the hands by which they grasp, and the feet by which they walk. If they supplicate Me for all humanity, certainly I will respond. If they seek refuge with Me for all humanity, surely I will grant it. None of My Divine Actions causes Me greater empathy than to withdraw from the earthly body the eternal soul of a believer who abhors death. It actually causes Me Divine Distress to afflict one of My lovers in this way.

*This hadith, collected of the sage al-Bukhari, comes from the transmission of the intimate companion Abu Hurayra, may Allah be pleased with him.



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